Tuesday 31 December 2013

Guild Wars 2 PvP Engineer Flamethrower Build

Engineer Flamethrower Build


Firearms 20: I (Fireforged Trigger), VIII (Juggernaut)
Inventions 20: I(Protective Shield), VIII(Power Shoes)
Alchemy 30: VI(Protection Injection), IX(Backpack Regenerator), VII(Deadly Mixture)

Superior Rune of the Dolyak
Soldier's Amulet
unimportant (but suggest to use rifle since the Net Shot is useful for rooting fleeing opponent)

I made this build because I think flamethrower is the coolest engineer weapon. By checking through list of flamethrower related traits, I decide to build it as a tanker with high armor and auto health regeneration.

- Tank - Great Armor, good health regeneration and defensive skills.
- Decent AOE damage with very short cool-down.
- Great location defend or attack ability in PVP.

- Not for 1 vs 1 or chasing down fleeing enemy.

How to play this build
This is a tough tanker. Even one against multiple enemies it will not go down easily. There are times when my health bar almost zero, I am still able to have some time to plant a flag on a downed opponent while being hit by multiple opponents and made it out alive. This is because of the high armor and great health regeneration of this build.

This build is easy to play. Since the armor and the health generation and most of the defensive skill  happen automatically, player only need to concentrate on casting attack skills and evading attack.

The tactic of this build in a PvP map is either occupying new point or defending point while fight against multiple opponents. Although this build can not kill a single opponent quickly, but it's vitality is tough enough to survive and slowly kill multiple opponents. The idea is, PvP map is all about teamwork, if opponents have to spend more human resource and time on taking or defending the point you currently working on, that means your other team members will have an easier time in other points.

During the fight, you should always switch to flamethrower unless you want to root someone with your rifle. Simply keep shooting #1 "Flame Jet", #2 "Flame Blast" and #4 "Napalm" as soon as the skills are available. whenever a melee class get close to you, cast #5 "Smoke Vent" and then #3 "Air Blast", it will blind and push the opponent away. The #3 "Air Blast" is great for pushing opponent off cliff too.

The utilities skills of this build are:
6) Elixir H.
7) Rocket Boots - great for getting out of bad situation. The tool belt skill "Rocket Kick" that come with it have a decent dps, should always cast it as soon as opponent get into melee range.
8) Elixir U - Great dps enhancement, but should use with caution since the caster suffer 25% more damage too. best during for 1 vs 1, not recommend for 1 vs multiple opponents.
9) Flamethrower. the tool belt skill "Incendiary Ammo" should always use in a fight as soon as it is ready.
0) Supply Crate - best for saving yourself during emergency. Usually use it for defending or occupying enemy point.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Guild Wars 2 PvP - Engineer Bomb Build

Engineer Bomb Build


Explosives 30: III (Forceful Explosives), VIII (Short Fuse), VII (Explosive Powder)
Inventions 30: I(Cloaking Device), V(Energized Armor), XI (Elixir-Infused Bombs)
Alchemy 10: VI(Protection Injection)

Superior Rune of the Dolyak
Soldier's Amulet

I like engineer because the job consists all kind of kits that transform an engineer into all type of class. Bomb kit is one of the interesting kit that allows engineer perform 360 degree close range combat, if you had played Elementalist DD (Dagger-Dagger) build, you would know the advantage of 360 degree close range combat with the "Lighting Whip" in Air Attunement, where the player has no worries about targeting his opponent and direction, player can simply running around hurting the opponent while greatly increase the chances of evading opponent attack. The Engineer Bomb is much like it but instead of one skill, it has various type of nasty 360 degree conditions, healing and dps.

- Tank - Good armor, small auto health regeneration, small AOE healing. 
- Good 360 degree close range combat + various type of mines spamming. 
- Able to handle itself in a 1 vs 1 and best for messy group fight because of the AOE dps+healing
- has 2 aoe skills that knockback and launch group of opponents.

- Bad against necromancer that spam marks and conditions in a 1 vs 1 fight.
- Bad for chasing fleeing opponent.

How to play this build
This is best for messy group fight and even 1 against multiple opponent in a point defend. Jump right into group of enemies and start spamming everything available, from all 5 bomb skills, tool belts bombs and mines. Running around opponent in small circle with random direction to reduce the chances your opponent could face and hit you.

Sometimes there are situations where bomb kit is not the best option (as you can see in the second video above), using a rifle would be better than nothing until the bombing time come.

The utilities skills of this build are:
6) Elixir H - for healing.
7) Rocket Boots - great for getting out of bad situation such as immobilized or surrounded by too many enemies. The tool belt skill "Rocket Kick" that come with it has a decent dps, should always cast it as soon as opponent get into melee range.
8) Throw Mine - Great for throwing into group of enemies knocking back and interrupting them. The tool belt skill "Mine Field" spam 5 little mines around player that deal decent damage.
9) Bomb Kit - the tool belt skill "Big Ol' Bomb" is one of my favorite skill of this build, it deal decent aoe damage, launch foes and make a loud bang.
0) Supply Crate - best for saving yourself during emergency. Usually use it for defending or occupying enemy point.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Guild Wars 2 PvP Critical DPS Ranger Build

Ranger DPS PvP Build


Marksmanship 30: I (Steady Focus), X (Eagle Eye), III (Keen Edge)
Skirmishing 20: II(Sharpened Edges), X(Quick Draw)
Wilderness Survival 20: III(Shared Anguish), VI(Wilderness Knowledge)

Superior Rune of the Ranger
Berserker's Amulet
LongBow + Axe and warhorn

This is not a hybrid build. It is concentrating everything on dealing longest possible range high damage to single target within shortest time. Unlike most of other PvP build where the survival and dps are balanced, this build mainly for the thrill of dealing sudden long range high damage to an opponent and kill him before they got time to react. 

- Longest attack range in the game.
- Very high Dps.
- Decent Aoe. (Great Dps Aoe but 24 second CD)

- Relatively weak in survival. No skill for anti CC and bad against Dps thief.

How to play this build
As I mention above, this build is simply for hitting other player with very high dps but weak in defending. So avoid running solo in the field, always run behind team member and let them attract the trouble while you do fire support from behind. As you can see in both the video, staying behind team member and do a sudden high damage to opponent, most of them die before they got time to react to the rapid attack. 

The best attack of this build is combining Sharpening Stone, Quickening Zephyr and Longbow #2 "Rapid Fire". This should always be your opening attack. 

If the situation deem that is more appropriate to use Aoe instead, then do  Sharpening Stone, Quickening Zephyr and Longbow #5 "Barrage".

Although I stated that this build is weak in survival, but it is not completely naked. Longbow #3 "Hunter's Shot" let you become invisible for 3 second. Longbow #4 "Point Blank Shot" allow your to push back melee class or interrupt caster channeling skill (a skill that deal damage over time as long as it is still casting). Elite Skill "Entangle" allow you to root and damage a group of opponent in place until the Vines are destroyed. If you want to further enhance its survival ability then you might want to switch "Sharpening Stone" to "Lighting Reflexes", the main reason is to breaks stun. From my experience I found that most of the time the reason I was killed is because I get root in place, having a way to break out of CC effect is certainly a plus. 

Why didn't I bought "Lighting Reflexes" with me in the videos above? Well as I said, if you always run as a team you should be fine most of the time, and I wanted to deal a damage so high that the opponent unable to react before they get killed. However I must admit this is a high risk just for fun build, sometimes if you are unlucky you might keep dying in the entire round.