Thursday 14 November 2013

Guild Wars 2 PvP Critical DPS Ranger Build

Ranger DPS PvP Build


Marksmanship 30: I (Steady Focus), X (Eagle Eye), III (Keen Edge)
Skirmishing 20: II(Sharpened Edges), X(Quick Draw)
Wilderness Survival 20: III(Shared Anguish), VI(Wilderness Knowledge)

Superior Rune of the Ranger
Berserker's Amulet
LongBow + Axe and warhorn

This is not a hybrid build. It is concentrating everything on dealing longest possible range high damage to single target within shortest time. Unlike most of other PvP build where the survival and dps are balanced, this build mainly for the thrill of dealing sudden long range high damage to an opponent and kill him before they got time to react. 

- Longest attack range in the game.
- Very high Dps.
- Decent Aoe. (Great Dps Aoe but 24 second CD)

- Relatively weak in survival. No skill for anti CC and bad against Dps thief.

How to play this build
As I mention above, this build is simply for hitting other player with very high dps but weak in defending. So avoid running solo in the field, always run behind team member and let them attract the trouble while you do fire support from behind. As you can see in both the video, staying behind team member and do a sudden high damage to opponent, most of them die before they got time to react to the rapid attack. 

The best attack of this build is combining Sharpening Stone, Quickening Zephyr and Longbow #2 "Rapid Fire". This should always be your opening attack. 

If the situation deem that is more appropriate to use Aoe instead, then do  Sharpening Stone, Quickening Zephyr and Longbow #5 "Barrage".

Although I stated that this build is weak in survival, but it is not completely naked. Longbow #3 "Hunter's Shot" let you become invisible for 3 second. Longbow #4 "Point Blank Shot" allow your to push back melee class or interrupt caster channeling skill (a skill that deal damage over time as long as it is still casting). Elite Skill "Entangle" allow you to root and damage a group of opponent in place until the Vines are destroyed. If you want to further enhance its survival ability then you might want to switch "Sharpening Stone" to "Lighting Reflexes", the main reason is to breaks stun. From my experience I found that most of the time the reason I was killed is because I get root in place, having a way to break out of CC effect is certainly a plus. 

Why didn't I bought "Lighting Reflexes" with me in the videos above? Well as I said, if you always run as a team you should be fine most of the time, and I wanted to deal a damage so high that the opponent unable to react before they get killed. However I must admit this is a high risk just for fun build, sometimes if you are unlucky you might keep dying in the entire round.

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