Thursday 14 November 2013

Guild Wars 2 PvP Necromancer Minion Master Build

Necromancer Minion Master PvP Build


Spite 20: V (Spiteful Spirit), IX (Training of the Master)
Death Magic 30: V(Staff Mastery), X(Flesh of the Master), VII(Greater Marks)
Blood Magic 20: II(Bloodthirst), VII(Vampiric Master)

Superior Rune of the Dolyak
Soldier's Amulet
Staff + Axe and Focus

The this build transform necromancer into a moving fortress with high heal over time and dps output, which is my favorite Pvp build. 

Great Heal over time
- The Superiror Rune of the Dolyak provide small "Health Regeneration".
- The traits Bloodthirst and Vampiric combine together allow player steal a little bit of health with every hit. Aoe enemies with staff skills or hitting single enemy with Axe or Dagger number 2 skill will help restoring some health.
- Since player usually have 6 minions and additional 1 from "Reanimator" trait, player has a total of 7 minions to help siphoning health from enemies by using the trait "Vampiric Master".

High Defend
The Armor and jewelry alone give player 2,945 Armor. After summoning 6 minions player has 3,065 armor. which is pretty high for a light armor class. 

By combining the 2 benefits above this necromancer build is almost like a moving fortress that easily withstand punishment from 2 players. winning a 1 vs 2 fight shouldn't be a problem most of the time and sometime 1 vs 3 is still possible to be a real pain for the opponent. During a messy fight you will see a lot of green figures (healing) on the screen and your hp are 70%+ most of the time. Plus the F1 skill "Death Shroud", it further enhance the survival ability of necromancer. 

Good DPS
The minions of this build are on its maximum potential. Trait "Training of the Master" increases minion damage by 30% and "Flesh of the Master" increased minions health by 50%. The staff skill "Mark of Blood" help minions survive a little longer with some health regeneration. 6 minions plus player's attack is going to be quite decent damage output.

How to play this build
Playing this build is easy. I usually fight with staff first, spamming all the marks and by then my character should taken some damaged too, so I switch to Axe or Dagger using skill #2 to siphoning some health and then #3,4,5 and then switch back to staff and repeat. Whenever F1 skill "Death Shroud" #4,5 is ready and multiple enemies are in the area, fire up both of the skills.

For minions skills, I usually combine skill from Shadow Fiend, Bone Fiend and Flesh Golem together. It is great for protecting you from some max critical+precision thief build that root and kill you in split second. Since the minions are independent from player in term of condition suffering, rooting the necromancer will not stop the minions from immobilizing(Bone Fiend) and knockback (Flesh Golem) your opponent that try to kill you before you release from the disabling condition. And by the way, even if the minions failed to knockback the opponents, with 27,312hp + 3,065armor and all the passive and active heal over time, any max dps build would have very hard time to finish the necromancer before they get consume alive by the minions. 

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